Learn Exercises and Workout Routines to Enhance Fat Loss and Develop Your Lower Body

Lift Your Way to Metabolic Health.

Learn Key Insights and Strategies to Develop Your Legs, Glutes and Core


These Fat Burning Exercise Tutorials Will Teach You Safe and Effective Ways to Improve the Metabolic Health of Your Legs and Core

The ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting are all the rage nowadays. As effective as these tools can be for enhancing fat loss and improving blood sugar balance, many folks still struggle to achieve the body they want and are capable of achieving. 
As effective as intermittent fasting and the keto diet is, without the stimulus from muscle mass to burn the fat, fat-loss often hits a plateau.
To burn appreciable amounts of fat, you need healthy muscle—particularly leg muscles. Sure, our brain also thrives on fat, but I’ve yet to find someone who’s losing fat by reading books and doing complex math problems … just sayin’. 
Leg muscles have a higher proportion of mitochondrial-rich, slow-twitch muscle fibers—which are effective fat-burning engines.  

If You’ve Hit a Fat-Loss Plateau, It’s Time to Start Training Legs

When was the last time you saw someone with toned, fit legs and glutes but a big belly?

(In 22 years of consistent weight lifting and five years of personal training, I’ve yet to see this pattern of fat distribution on a person.)

But it’s pretty common to see men and women with fit-looking shoulders and arms … and not-so-fit bellies and legs. (Go to any gym on a Monday—dubbed international chest day—and you’ll see plenty of these big-chested, skinny-legged folks.)

If you’re ready to rev up your fat-burning engines, learning proper squatting and deadlifting techniques is a good start.

The Legs Are Essential to Blood Sugar Health and Metabolism

New research points to the legs, specifically how insulin and leptin resistance starts in the legs. The legs become metabolically sick before the upper body does—this is the crux of weight-loss plateaus.

Hence, burning fat and achieving the body you want becomes an uphill battle in the face of insulin resistance.

It’s estimated that some 200 muscles are activated when you perform a squat, so learning how to execute this exercise safely is a great first step to getting those legs and core in shape.

Squatting and deadlifting impact your whole body and have the most carryover into real life.

So, if you’re struggling to shed some excess fat and want to keep a tighter rein on that blood sugar, improving the muscle health in your legs is a good start.

You'll Learn:

  • How to safely warm up the body in preparation for the deadlift and the squat 
  • Four key things to do before you squat or deadlift so you don’t hurt your back
  • Essential cues for foot placement and alignment when squatting and deadlifting 
  • One-legged and squatting exercises for those with range-of-motion or mobility limitations 
  • Deadlift and squat alternatives for those new to fitness


Record-holding performance coaches TashAyla Wolf Whelan and Dan Stephenson share key programing, tips and insights about how to get the most out of these best exercises for the lower body.

What's Included

You can access all 34-HD video tutorials and transcripts.

Why this eCourse?

Scientists continually report that loss of lower-body mass is linked increased prevalence of lower back pain, reduced mobility and more.


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34 HD-Video Tutorials 


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