Regain Control of Emotional Eating Habits (Snacking) and Improve Improve Your Body Composition

Learn easy-to-follow feeding/fasting strategies, recipes and fitness tutorials


Intermittent Fasting and OMAD are arguably the fastest ways to improve your body composition and long-term health.

Increase your long term-success with intermittent fasting and eating one-meal a day (OMAD)

Save time and access concise information that you can use today

  • Learn how to make meals and recipes that make intermittent fasting and OMAD very easy
  • Access 21 Educational Videos & Recipe Tutorials 
  • Four live group coaching call recordings 
  • What's Included? 
    • Easy low-carb and carnivore meal prep for those who don't like to cook 
    • Increasing autophagy with OMAD and IF--science primer
    • Boosting NAD+ levels naturally video module
Access the Lessons & Bonuses

What is included this eCourse

Increase your long term-success with intermittent fasting and eating one-meal a day (OMAD)

Meal Prep Tips and Recipes Your Whole Family Will Enjoy

Learn how to cook clean, healthy and satiating meals that support your fasting lifestyle!

Transform Your Life w/ this $47 Bonus Bundle

The content contained in this eCourse bundle is a summary of key lessons learned from traveling the world and interviewing top performers, athletes and doctors.

Bonus #1: Learn how to fast and keep your thyroid levels in optimal ranges

Learn tips about structuring your fast to balance hormones and enhance autophagy

Access These Lessons and Bonuses for Just $47

The content contained in this eCourse bundle is a summary of key lessons learned from traveling the world and interviewing top performers, athletes and doctors.


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